Common questions
Does CEMAM belong to a university?
No, CEMAM is a non-profit Non-Governmental Organization. Even though it does not belong to a university, CEMAM works in cooperation and partnership with several Higher Education Institutions such as, for example, UERN and UFRN.
What are your goals?
Carry out research, monitoring and educational activities aimed at conserving the environment in associated marine, coastal and terrestrial ecosystems.
What exactly does it do?
CEMAM carries out environmental monitoring activities; training, training and technical consultancy for companies and institutions; in addition to scientific research and educational actions.

Where does CEMAM operate?
On the coast of the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará.
How to participate?
Participation in CEMAM can occur through the volunteer program, internships, scholarships or employment. Participation is facilitated through selection processes, published on the website and social media.
How to invite CEMAM to carry out educational activities at schools?
Invitations to carry out educational activities or participate in events can be made via email:cemam.contato@gmail.com ornudec@cemam.org.

Describe your image

How do I sign up for courses offered by CEMAM?
Enrollment in courses is possible while the established deadline is in effect. To check which courses have open registration, access the Courses page at CEMAMclicking here and go to “Register”. Courses without the “Register” option are not currently being offered.
How do I receive a certificate after completing a course offered by CEMAM?
Click here To access the Courses page on the CEMAM website, there you must click on “Certificates” on the course you wish to receive and fill out the email request that will open automatically.